A travel blog having little or nothing to do with gorgonzola cheese.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Talk Like You're in the Rome Program!

As we're 23 moderately extroverted and obnoxious individuals, the Rome program has developed it's own particular vernacular. A few (update, I can't believe I forgot the last two) examples follow:
  • Fas: Benke taught us this one. Ancient Greek for 'speakable' but really means more that the auguries favor something. A day can be 'fas' or 'nefas', and if it's 'nefas' business should not be conducted. Our usage: 'Woa that pasta was pretty fas.' or ' Benkster's final was nefas'
  • In the Mix: To get something going or involved. I think this may be partially a Psi-U thing but whatever. We use it WAY too often. Usage 'Lets get those girls in the mix!' or 'You gotta get in the mix!'
  • P-Dubs: The professor we had, P eter White.
  • NOSD: Stands for 'Not Our Sort, Dear'. Benke told us a story about her high society Boston friends who would use that as code (clever!) if they thought someone was below them.
  • Big things: Doesn't really need explanation.
  • Foreshortening: Not so much slang as an art history term that our current professor uses constantly, to describe every damn piece of art. We use it out of hatred and fear.
  • Jackal: One who steals something, especially food, especially in the salla.
  • Va bene, allora, whatever: Francesca says this phrase a fair bit. Literally its 'OK, well, whatever'. We use it whenever something goes poorly, or you know, when there's any sort of lull in conversation.


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