A travel blog having little or nothing to do with gorgonzola cheese.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Florence (or for the more pretentious among us, Firenza)

After Orvieto, a fair number of us went to Florence. Patrick and I were the only guys, and we split a hotel room at a random hotel I found called Natzioni. I later found out it was actually called 'Natzioni - Internet Hotel', and for good reason. We somehow got an apartment-suite which had a computer with broadband in our room, a kitchenette, and both queen and twin beds. We met up with the girls later and ate at a place Jane's friend had recommended called Quatro Trattori. It was incredible. Ravioli in asparagus cream sauce, filled with with asparagus, cheese (maybe my recent favorite, pecorino) and pear. It was so good that I ditched the (also very good) cheese and avocado salad I was having, and ordered the pasta.. (Happy Belated Birthday Laura).

Ashley had found out about this horseback tour of Tuscany, which ended in a wine and olive oil tasting as well as dinner, so after seeing the obligatory museums in Florence, six of so of us went on this tour. The scenery was, needless to say, breathtaking, and riding horseback up and down those very steep and tiny little trails was fun. I'm no riding expert, but I have been enough times to be moderately proficient, or so I thought.

Like other places, they started us in a small enclosed field to give us a quick lesson, where I had a ridiculous amount of trouble. I tried to follow there directions for controlling the horse, but it just wasn't working. Eventually I (we) figured out that this was western (American) style, while I had only rode English style. After I learned you controlled these horses by how the reins were touching their neck (not directly where you were pulling), Amadeo and I got along fine.


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