A travel blog having little or nothing to do with gorgonzola cheese.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

In a Really Annoying Internet Cafe

Yep. We're here. We're having a great time so far, but we've been going hard so we're both pretty damn tired (and going on beautiful but insanely long runs around Hyde Park). London is fantastic, but, to confirm the rumors, extremely expensive. We've been all over the city, and I've gotten he hang of the tube pretty well. It's the best subway system I've ever been on and it's spotless, which is incredible considering you can eat and drink (booze) on it.

We spent today around Covent Garden Market and Petticoat lane. Yesterday we went to the Tower of London and the Bridge, and then we stumbled on a pretty cool festival on the way to the Tate Modern. Also we found some crazy food markets that I can't remember the name of but the motto was ''if we don't sell it, it's probably not worth eating.'' Friday I can barely remember because we've done so much stuff. I'll have to be more vigilante in updating this, and that may happen once internet isn't so damn expensive. And pictures. I'll add pictures soon.

Anyway, we're having a great time. Thank you everyone for your advice, emails and comments. We leave for Rome on Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey!!! i am glad to hear that you guys are having fun, miss you ... sounds like an awsome food market heh... well see you in like 32 days !

9:07 PM  

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