A travel blog having little or nothing to do with gorgonzola cheese.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


My, I've been writing a lot about jogging. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but here's one more that has less to do with jogging and more to do with me being culturally insensitive (another common theme actually).

When I was in Delphi I bought a Greek soccer jersey and I've been running in it a lot, both at home and now here. I thought I was pretty cool, but it seemed that I was getting dirty looks here. I wasn't sure if I smelled bad, or they just didn't like the looks of me or didn't like Greece's soccer team, but yesterday the guy at the front desk clued me that this is Totti country. Wearing a Zagorakis jersey is not looked so kindly upon. In fact they pretty much hate him.

I mean... I'm not going to stop wearing it or anything.


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